Welcome to Mie Prefectural Lilbary
Every Monday
The last day of the month(or the last Friday, if it falls on Saturday or Sunday)
The year end and New Year's holidays
Special Periods for inventory
1234 Kozubeta Ishinden, Tsu City, Mie Pref.
From the West Exit of Tsu Station(Kintetsu,JR and Ise-Railway Lines), take the Bunka-Center-Route Bus for approximately 5 minutes.
By car, it is a 15 minute drive from the Tsu exit of the Ise Expressway.
On foot, it is a 25 minute walk from Tsu station.
Please inquire at our service counter
"Communication Support Board" was created
The Mie prefectural library created a "Communication Support Board" so that people with disabilities and foreigners can easily use the library. By using this, you can indicate with the touch of a finger how you would like to use the library.
The "Communication support board" is written in English, Portuguese, Spanish and Chinese, in addition to pictures and Japanese. By all means, please take advantage of the Prefectural Library.
Library Card(Riyou-Card・利用カード)
A customer must have a valid Library Card (Riyou-Card) in order to check out materials. A Library Card is free for anyone.
A Library Card may be obtained by presenting a completed application form at our library. In addition, you must present current, traceable identification that includes both name and address (but not necessarily on the same document; for example, a passport and utility bill): a driver's license, Individual Number Card, Foreign Residence Card, school ID.
Library Cards are issued at the time of successful application.
If you lose your library card, report the loss at once to the library, by phone (059) 233-1180, Tuesday -Sunday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m, in person, or by e-mail:
You are responsible for materials taken out with the card until the card is reported lost or stolen. A new card is also free.
Check-out Limit and Loan Period
Five books can be loaned out for a period of 15 days, except for items in the Regional Book Collection (Chiikishiryo-Corner・地域資料コーナー), dictionaries, reference books, which are labeled "Not for Loan" (kin-taishutsu・禁帯出).
Book Reservation and Request
Any circulating books which are checked out may be held for a customer through "Reservation" (yoyaku・予約) procedures at no charge. When the item is returned to our Library, we will notify the customer. Customers also may place their own requests for titles. Many books not available in the Mie Prefectural Library may be obtained through Interlibrary Loan, may be purchased..
Mie Prefectural Library books may be renewed once, except for items that have been reserved/requested. You can renew books by phone (059)233-1180 with your library card number, and the book you wish to renew.
Books can be returned through the return box at the Mie Prefecture Citizens Interaction Centre (beside Tsu station, Ust 3rd floor).
Lost or Damaged Materials
If an item is lost or irreparably damaged, the customer will be charged a fee in addition to the cost of replacing the item.
Floor map