Roxane Gay/edition -- Mariner Books -- 2018 -- 933.78


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タイトル The best American short stories 2018
タイトルカナ Best American short stories
叢書名 The Best American Series
著者 Roxane Gay/edition , Heidi Pitlor/edition  
著者カナ Gay Roxane,Pitlor Heidi
出版者 Mariner Books
出版年 2018
ページ数 22,322p
大きさ 21cm
ISBN13桁 978-0-544-58294-1 国立国会図書館 カーリル GoogleBooks WebcatPlus
言語 eng
分類記号 933.78


タイトル 著者名 ページ
Cougar Maria Anderson/author
A family Jamel Brinkley/author
The art of losing Yoon Choi/author
Los Angeles Emma Cline/author
Unearth Alicia Elliott/author
Boys go to Jupiter Danielle Evans/author
A history of China Carolyn Ferrell/author
Come on, silver Ann Glaviano/author
What Got into us Jacob Guajardo/author
Everything is far from here Cristina Henríquez/author
Good with boys Kristen Iskandrian/author
Control negro Jocelyn Nicole Johnson/author
The brothers brujo Matthew Lyons/author
A big true Dina Nayeri/author
Items awaiting protective enclosure Téa Obreht/author
The baptism Ron Rash/author
Suburbia! Amy Silverberg/author
The prairie wife Curtis Sittenfeld/author
Whose heart I long to stop with the click of a revolver Rivers Solomon/author
What terrible thing it was Esmé Weijun Wang/author