John Breen/edition -- Columbia University Press -- 2008 -- 175.91361


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タイトル Yasukuni, the war dead, and the struggle for Japan's past
タイトルカナ Yasukuni the war dead and the struggle for Japans past
著者 John Breen/edition  
著者カナ Breen John
出版者 Columbia University Press
出版年 2008
ページ数 16,202p
大きさ 22cm
ISBN13桁 978-0-231-70043-6 国立国会図書館 カーリル GoogleBooks WebcatPlus
言語 eng
分類記号 175.91361


タイトル 著者名 ページ
  The Yasukuni shrine problem in Sino-Japanese relations
Caroline Rose/author
A religious perspective on the Yasukuni shrine controversy Kevin Doak/author
China, Japan and the spell of Yasukuni Wang Zhixin/author
Plumbing the depths
  The Yasukuni controversy in China
Seki Hei/author
Legacies of empire
  The Yasukuni shrine controversy
Takahashi Tetsuya/author
And why shouldn't the prime minister worship at Yasukuni?
  A personal view
Nitta Hitoshi/author
Yasukuni and the loss of historical memory John Breen/author
Pledge fulfilled
  Prime minister Koizumi, Yasukuni and the Japanese media
Phillip Seaton/author